Bery's AudioTron Page
Welcome to my very own AudioTron web page. I've put this page up to show off my wares, of course, so check this out:
- Setup
- AppleScript / Applications
- MP3 Tools
- MacMP3Gain
This application is used to normalize the volume of MP3 files in a single folder. It is an AppleScript Studio application which wraps the command line program mp3gain (see below) for the less techincal Mac users.
- mp3gain (command line)
- mp3gain133mac.tar.gz - mp3gain 1.3.3 source & compiled Mach-O executable. This tool is used to normalize MP3 files. This was built under Mac OS X version 10.2 (Jaguar). I normally used this in album mode with the command line looking like this:
mp3gain -a -c -q *.mp3
For more information on mp3gain, check out the mp3gain web page.
- mp3gain131mac.tar.gz - mp3gain 1.3.1 source & compiled Mach-O executable. (Previous version built under 10.2)
- mp3gain104.tar.gz - mp3gain 1.0.4 source & compiled Mach-O executable. This was built under Mac OS X version 10.1.5 and is here for compatibilty reasons.
- Server Tools
- Samba File Extension Mapping VFS Module which allows for a Samba server to map file extensions on the server to different ones to be seen by the client (such as an AT) and to run a server-side conversion command when the client reads the file. This is an addition to Samba 2.2.7 which allows other file formats to be decoded on the server and played on the AT. This is not something I will be using a lot, but it was a fun project for me.
- Perl Scripts
Also, you should visit the Mac OS X / AudioTron Page for more details on using your Mac and AudioTron together.
For a lot more information and links to just about everything for the AudioTron, check out the AudioTron Links page.