The m3u converter script is a really great way to maintain playlists between the iTunes and the Archos Jukebox. Here are a few steps that I use:
1. Create a library of mp3 files on the Archos Jukebox that have folder names and mp3 filenames that match your iTunes Music folder. One way to do this is to simply mount the Archos on the desktop and selectively drag-drop the desired folders from the "iTunes Music" folder on the Mac to the "Music" folder on the Archos. Alternatively, you can adjust the names of your existing folders/files on the Archos so that they match.
For example, on my system, I have:
OS-X Disk:Users:davidray:Music:iTunes:iTunes Music:[artist]:[song].mp3and on the Archos:
Music:[artist]:[song].mp32. Create a playlist in iTunes. Make sure that you have already copied these songs to the Archos as described above.
3. Select the "Export playlist to m3u" script.
4. When prompted for the "Folder that AudioTron accesses", select the "iTunes Music" folder on your system, the one that contains your mp3 library.
5. When prompted for "Enter the path that the AudioTron uses to access iTunes Music", enter the path you have set up on your Archos. Use the backslash character ("\") as the delimiter for folders. On my Archos I use:
Music\6. Answer "no" to "are there more shared folders"
7. Answer "no" to "Do you want to flash the shuffle indicator"
8. When prompted, save the settings file. You may need to edit this if you made a mistake.
9. When prompted, save the m3u playlist file. The script should finish and quit.
10 Inspect the m3u playlist file in a text editor such as TextEdit or BBEdit. It should match the directory structure of the Archos.
If there is a problem, you can edit it manually. Once you figure out the problem you should also make the corrections in the settings file, for the next time you run the program.
11. Drag and drop the new m3u playlists to the top level folder on the Archos. That's it!
12. I've noticed some problems with folder names or filenames that have 8-bit characters, such as accented vowels or Portuguese characters. Sometimes this causes the Archos not to find the mp3 file and to skip the song in the playlist. If this happens, you will have to manually rename the file and/or manually edit the playlist to correct those characters.
Good Luck!