2240 W as of 13:40 with 34 of 34 modules online. | |||
Today | This Week | Cumulative | |
Total | 10.0 kWh (10210 Wh) | 61.8 kWh | 3560652 kWh |
Best | 40 kWh @ 2010-06-18 | 999 Wh @ 2023-04-29 | n/a |
Peak | 3000 W @ 12:40 | 3630 W @ 2024-12-12.12:10 | 6170 W @ 2019-04-06.13:30 |
Sunrise | 07:30 | 05:50 | 05:45 - 16:30 |
Sunset | 21:00 | 07:45 - 21:05 |
Energy Generated: 3560652 kWh Could be used to power the following for one day: |
Carbon Offset: 6115063 lbs This is roughly the same as: |
3560652 personal computers |
10805866 lights |
108599 houses |
Taking 185866 cars off the road for a day |
Not burning 309776 gallons of gas |
Planting 78334 trees |
System Status | |||||
Modules |
Now: 2240 W Today: 10.0 kWh | Web | |||
34 / 34 | Registration |
9 minutes | |||
SW: R3.7.31 (11b4e9) | DB: 29 MB (9 % full) | TZ: US/Pacific | MA: 00:1D:C0:04:6B:00 |