ServiceU Plugin

In the process of creating a new web site for our church, I’m moving to WordPress rather than continuing the custom PHP that I contributed over the years. One key piece that I did not want to give up was the calendar integration from and I found no simple way to get the same view of the events from ServiceU so nicely integrated, so I took to migrating my custom PHP code into a new WordPress Plugin. 

This plugin is used to display a list of upcoming events (one month) along
with two mini calendars with links to the month and event views. It also provides views for the upcoming week – used in the Olive Press (weekly bulletin/newsletter). There are also +Calendar and -Exclude that allows for views of one specific calendar (or department) or exclude one to show all events except one department.

[serviceu_events_calendar kind="all"] – Two month mini-calendar with all events
[serviceu_events_calendar kind="weekly"] – Today and the next 7 days
[serviceu_events_calendar kind="forsunday"] – from Sunday to next Sunday
[serviceu_events_calendar kind="thissundaydate"] – Sunday’s date F j, Y format
[serviceu_events_calendar kind="todaysdate"] – today’s date F j, Y format
[serviceu_events_calendar kind="+Women's Ministries"] – 1 month for a page
[serviceu_events_calendar kind="-Community Events"] – exclude these

You can download from here:


  1. Download from the “download” link on the web page where you’re viewing this or from (direct download link)
  2. Decompress the file contents.
  3. Upload the serviceu-events-calendar folder to your WordPress plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/).
  4. Activate the ServiceU Events Calendar plugin from the WordPress Dashboard.
  5. Go to the Settings page for ServiceU Events Calendar and enter your organization key from
  6. You may now use the [serviceu_events_calendar kind="..."] shortcodes in a Page or Post.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why did you create this?
    Our church uses to manage their calendar and I had previously created a custom integration for our web site and wanted the same functionality as we move to use WordPress.
  • What enhancements could be added?
    I recently added custom month and event view pages rather than linking to for those views. Also added the +Calendar and -Exclude for specific pages to show just the events they want. I am now contemplating a more responsive version of the month and event views.


Old IntegrationWordPress Plugin
The WordPress Dashboard after installation of the plugin
The WordPress Dashboard after activation of the plugin
The Settings page for the plugin